Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hunt # 3

Here is the next week's hunt ....

50 ft tree=15 points
movie star=15 points
book by your fave author=5 points
shopping cart=5 points
golf cart=10 points
basketball goal=5 points
pay phone=15 points
your fave plant=5 points
YOUR handwriting=10 points
a wrestling move=10 points
a pond=5 points
a turkey=10 points

Have fun!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hunt #2

Menu 10 points - Burger King menu
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Something you collect - 5 points - I collect Bells
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Fav Pet - 5 points - This is our Dog Billy
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Hobby - 10 points - Austin's hobby is collecting baseball cards
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Valentine Gift - 10 points - Austin got me this for valentines day
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Something from a first Love - 15 points - first gift from my first love ... awww
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Game/Sports - 10 points - Austin bowling
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boat - 5 points - we saw this in the lake ...
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Bell - 15 points - I told ya, I collect em ... got all kinds ... ;)
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Something representing your state - 10 points - St. Louis Arch
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Lego Structure - 15 points - Thanks Austin!
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Blue Liquid - 10 points - Toilet Bowl cleaner!!
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total points - 120

Friday, August 25, 2006

Where do you go for support & encouragement?

I can tell you where NOT to go .... especially today.

How do you ask for help in a way without asking for help? Seems I don't know the answer to that question.

I was ready to walk out on my job today .... I can't afford to do that, I have 2 kids, a dog, a house and a flipping car payment ... I got plenty of advice as to how to get fired, did I get any encouragment that things would get better ...

Oh, but there can be the whining and bitching on there about how someone didn't like the way someone else lost weight, or how much pain your in or your mad at your aunt in tim buck two or whatever and they fuckin come out of the woodwork to tell them how there's a silver lining or things will get better or the aunt in tim buck two is nuts ...

maybe I worded it wrong, maybe they thought it was a joke .... I wasn't joking ... I needed them and they let me down ... I needed the encouragement I'm always dishing out and got it from only two.

Thanks for checkin on me tonight .... you know who you are .... I appreciated that more than you know.

I'm just a miserable mess .... maybe a good nights sleep will help .... who knows

Jeannie ---- if you are reading --- I'm glad that everything is going well with Jordan in school, I'm sorry I talked your ear off tonight .... I'm glad that Lauren didn't have to do the heart cath today, I know she still will, but I'm glad it could be put off, at least for now ..... ((((HUGS TO YOU))))

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Next Hunt .....

Menu - 10 points
Something you collect - 5 points
Favorite pet - 5 points
Hobby - 10 points
Valentine Gift - 10 points
Something from a first love - 15 points
Game/Sports - 10 points
Boat - 5 pointsBell - 15 points
Something representing your state - 10 points
Lego Structure - 15 points
Blue Liquid - 10 points
***Post your pictures Sunday 8/27--by midnight--late posts will not count***
***Do not post before then***
***Make your own posts with your pictures, descriptions, and total points under the pictures/video forum***
***Use your imagination***

PW Scavenger Hunt .....

I thought I'd share with my blog friends our Scavenger Hunt .....

For this week, here is what we hunted

Fast Food Sign - 10 points
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Mailman/Lady delivering mail (missed this one .... 0 points) however, Angel got creative on hers!! she had little people mailman delivering mail ... so cute!

Purple Cat - 10 points
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Wild Animal - 10 points
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Ugliest thing you own - 5 points
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Snowman - 10 points
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Someone sleeping - 5 points
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Standing on your head - 10 points (Angel did this one ... I tried ... not happening)
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Favorite toy - 5 points (add 15 if it can embarrass you) I only get 5 points
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Something round - 5 points
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Child/ren eathing french fries - 5 points
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Plate of food - 5 points, add 5 points if well balanced - 10 points
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That was fun!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'm a mess!!

Austin's first day at his new school is today .... his first time with a "schedule" .... his first time changing classes .... his first time on the bus with HIGH SCHOOLERS ... his first time not knowing which other kids are in his class, he only knows who ISN'T in his classes .... the first time I haven't met the teachers prior to school starting ... Open House is tomorrow, I can meet the teachers then. :S

I know he's fine .... I know he'll be fine ... I'm counting down the hours till he should be off the bus and in the house so that I can talk to him about his day.... I'm just a mess ...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Message Board ....

A couple of us got together last night and came up with our own scavenger hunt to be done weekly .... we created rules (Thanks Honkee, I borrowed a few of your rules for it) and we came up with a list of 12 for the first week. Hopefully it'll be a hit! I think it will get you and your camera out with the kids to get some fun pictures ... The board has been kinda slow, maybe this will liven it up some. Jeannie, thank you for taking the time to make this happen! Jamie and Deana, thank you for staying up late with us to get pic ideas and get the rules together!!

Happenings this week .....

Austin completed his "College for Kids" courses. He totally wants to go again next year!! My mom went with him to his last Biology class and helped him disect the sheeps eye. He had a blast!! Austin is at the lake this weekend fishing with his dad and step-mom. I hope he had a great time! I so miss him when he's gone, but he needs to get out.

Luke got a haircut this weekend and didn't scream like he has in the past ... no more helmet head for him (at least for a month or so) He looks so grown up with his new hair cut ... He's learning things I never imagined .... the other night, he called me a "BADWORD" ... yes, that is what he said ... "BADWORD" I told him that wasn't a nice thing to say and he told me that I could go to timeout and I should shutup. ugggg, guess I've told the dog one to many times to shutup.

I heard thru a mutual friend that our friend Joe is doing very well in his life (we don't get to talk as much as we used to, he switched jobs) he's met someone and is very happy! YAY JOE!!! His youngest has graduated high school now.... I'm seriously so happy for him!!!

My friend Sherry (2 years older than me w/the grandbaby) IM'd me and asked us to come out to her house next Sunday.... she's going to have her grand daughter there for the day. I haven't been to her house in close to 9 years now .... I'm kinda excited about going to visit her.

My Mom did a painting project, she painted some wrought iron flower fence for a lady with mega cash .... The lady loved the way this fence turned out and wants my Mom to paint some more things for her. I'm excited for my Mom and hope this business adventure pans out for her!

My Nephew wants to go live with his deadbeat dad ... my sister is letting him ... after she fought so hard to get custody of he and his sister. I don't understand why she's letting him go live with a guy who's just recently lost his foot to drunk driving ... HE was the drunk driver!!! AGAIN!!! I just don't get it ....

Thats all for now .....

Sunday, August 06, 2006

So many PW friends, so little time & money .....

There are so many of my PW friends that I'd love to meet .... I just wish I could afford to take vacation and go visit them all.

So far I've met Shelley, Katie and Stacey. I've talked to Angel, Angie, Lin, Jeannie and Jenn C. Jenn just moved back home, so we should get to meet her soon, well, after she's settled into her new house and the heat subsides some.

I'd love to meet so many of my PW friends, its hard to think of where we'd like to start.

I've been trying to get work to send me to Austin, TX, the only thing would be I wouldn't have the boys with me ... If they were to let me go there, I'd take an extra day or three and drive to see my buddies Angel, Ruthie and Cathy!!! ahhhhh we'll see.

Austin said "Mom, We could go to Arkansas and see Aunt Nancy on our way back home after seeing Jeannie" How fun would that be!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bought a car ..... this and that ....

Well .... my car died .... within a week it went from needing work to needing a burial.

Last weekend SATURDAY I went looking at cars and was offered $1500 - 2000 for my 2001 Chevy Impala with 184690 miles on it. (yeah, a lot of miles) I thought, hell, I can live with that for a trade in. MONDAY, all is well or so I thought, go to my last photography class, finish up with class, start the car up and it is just kinda chug chugging, sputtering and just not showing much sign of wanting to run. I meet my Mom & Dad to get Luke from them (Austin was staying there, he had college for kids) Dad tells me to get some stuff and put it with the gas (Marvel's Mystery Oil), the car is ok once you get it going. I put that in and it helped a little, the car is still sputtering and just not right when you are sitting at a stop light or in traffic. This goes on all week ...

Fast forward to Friday .....

I search the web and papers for new cars ... Dad makes phone calls to dealerships .... I have a program thru work that I can get a discount on a Subaru ... I fill out the paperwork, get the approval sent to me. I meet Dad and we head out to the Subaru dealer. We get there at 5pm, car is acting worse than it was on Monday ... they give me $700 for my car .... Dad says thats fair ... we didnt' leave there with my new car till 10pm, they only had one Finance guy there as the other was on vacation. I picked out a Subaru Forrester, its champaign gold, all wheel drive. Austin was so excited ... as soon as I got to mom's to get the boys, he ran out and started searching for "secret" compartments.

I really like my new car ... but am kinda sad to see my Impala go ... we had to go back up to the dealership this morning to take the other sets of keys up there for it and to get Luke's Barney CD. Luke yelled all the way there wanting to hear Barney .... I told him that I'd see if we could get it. The salesman was so sweet, he told Luke, that for him, he'd go and get it.

Austin asked me to take him to his Dad's house so that his dad could see the new car. I told Luke he had to stay in the car cause we had to go school shopping for Austin. D comes out to see the car, and takes Luke out of the car. When we got ready to leave, Luke wouldn't get back in the car, he wanted to stay with D. Dennis said that was fine, Luke could stay there while we ran to the store .... I got Austin a few (5) new t-shirts, a pair of shorts and a pair of pants, his backpack, binder, ruler, paper, notebooks, folders, pencils, pens, kleenex, highlighter and book covers for $118, oh yeah, Luke got 2 pair of jeans and 2 shirts. ONE DOLLAR of that was tax ....

Guess thats all for now ....

Friday, August 04, 2006

Time for an update!

I know its been awhile .... lets see ....

I called Jeannie from my message board ... she's never talked to any of us, so I thought I'd suprise her yesterday with a call. She sounded so sweet! and Lauren, just like Luke, had to talk. I can't wait for the day that we can all meet! Angel suprised her with a phone call too! It was a nice feeling to talk to a friend for no other reason than to talk. Not cause you wanted something or they wanted something, just to talk and say hello.

My baby .... yeah, I can still call him my baby even at age 11 .... Austin, had his appendix removed on July 17. That was an ordeal all on its own. I thought he had the flu ... I had no idea it was his appendix. Tests came back on it and yes, it was infected and needed to come out. He's now enrolled in Middle School - 6th Grade! I can't believe it! It feels like yesterday that he started Kindergarten. 3 more years Luke will be in Kindergarten. Austin is attending College for kids, he has 3 more days of that ... he LOVES IT! Next year, I'm definately signing him up again.

Luke is growing like a weed! He's talking up a storm, I'm so proud of him! He misses Austin, since Austin's been going to college, he's stayed at Grandma's house. The boys will get re-aquainted this weekend and will probably both want a break again.

My car is not doing well .... it spits and sputters ... its just not been the same since I had the transmission fluid changed before going to Milwaukee. Its a 2001 .... with 185,xxx miles on it. Dad says its due to be upgraded ... aka traded in. I hate the thought of car payments again though. uggggggg

Me ... I'm doing fine, minding my own business, not responding to any posts that might become heated, basically keeping my nose clean on the board as well as in my personal life.

Work has been a challenge ... other duties as assigned are killing me ... not much time to post/catch up on things. I've now been with the same company for 10 years!! 10 years!! can you believe it! Thats a long time, well feels like it anyway.

Guess thats about it for now, I promise to post again soon! Maybe I'll get a chance to take some pics this weekend and post those.

Luv ya!!!