Friday, August 04, 2006

Time for an update!

I know its been awhile .... lets see ....

I called Jeannie from my message board ... she's never talked to any of us, so I thought I'd suprise her yesterday with a call. She sounded so sweet! and Lauren, just like Luke, had to talk. I can't wait for the day that we can all meet! Angel suprised her with a phone call too! It was a nice feeling to talk to a friend for no other reason than to talk. Not cause you wanted something or they wanted something, just to talk and say hello.

My baby .... yeah, I can still call him my baby even at age 11 .... Austin, had his appendix removed on July 17. That was an ordeal all on its own. I thought he had the flu ... I had no idea it was his appendix. Tests came back on it and yes, it was infected and needed to come out. He's now enrolled in Middle School - 6th Grade! I can't believe it! It feels like yesterday that he started Kindergarten. 3 more years Luke will be in Kindergarten. Austin is attending College for kids, he has 3 more days of that ... he LOVES IT! Next year, I'm definately signing him up again.

Luke is growing like a weed! He's talking up a storm, I'm so proud of him! He misses Austin, since Austin's been going to college, he's stayed at Grandma's house. The boys will get re-aquainted this weekend and will probably both want a break again.

My car is not doing well .... it spits and sputters ... its just not been the same since I had the transmission fluid changed before going to Milwaukee. Its a 2001 .... with 185,xxx miles on it. Dad says its due to be upgraded ... aka traded in. I hate the thought of car payments again though. uggggggg

Me ... I'm doing fine, minding my own business, not responding to any posts that might become heated, basically keeping my nose clean on the board as well as in my personal life.

Work has been a challenge ... other duties as assigned are killing me ... not much time to post/catch up on things. I've now been with the same company for 10 years!! 10 years!! can you believe it! Thats a long time, well feels like it anyway.

Guess thats about it for now, I promise to post again soon! Maybe I'll get a chance to take some pics this weekend and post those.

Luv ya!!!


At 4:48 PM, Blogger Angel said...

How exciting to get a new car! Payments do suck, but a reliable car ROCKS! Good Luck!

And 10yrs is AWESOME! I bet you have been through some ups and downs in that time. Way to hang in there!

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Jeannie said...

I loved our chat---dh thought it was great! Congrats on 10 years!!!! That is really so rare!!!

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Mimi said...

I would love a new car, too, but also, I just don't want to worry about payments, oh well. That's great about keeping the same job for 10yrs, I wish I could say that. Maybe someday I will figure out what I want to be when I grow up.


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