Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Message Board ....

A couple of us got together last night and came up with our own scavenger hunt to be done weekly .... we created rules (Thanks Honkee, I borrowed a few of your rules for it) and we came up with a list of 12 for the first week. Hopefully it'll be a hit! I think it will get you and your camera out with the kids to get some fun pictures ... The board has been kinda slow, maybe this will liven it up some. Jeannie, thank you for taking the time to make this happen! Jamie and Deana, thank you for staying up late with us to get pic ideas and get the rules together!!

Happenings this week .....

Austin completed his "College for Kids" courses. He totally wants to go again next year!! My mom went with him to his last Biology class and helped him disect the sheeps eye. He had a blast!! Austin is at the lake this weekend fishing with his dad and step-mom. I hope he had a great time! I so miss him when he's gone, but he needs to get out.

Luke got a haircut this weekend and didn't scream like he has in the past ... no more helmet head for him (at least for a month or so) He looks so grown up with his new hair cut ... He's learning things I never imagined .... the other night, he called me a "BADWORD" ... yes, that is what he said ... "BADWORD" I told him that wasn't a nice thing to say and he told me that I could go to timeout and I should shutup. ugggg, guess I've told the dog one to many times to shutup.

I heard thru a mutual friend that our friend Joe is doing very well in his life (we don't get to talk as much as we used to, he switched jobs) he's met someone and is very happy! YAY JOE!!! His youngest has graduated high school now.... I'm seriously so happy for him!!!

My friend Sherry (2 years older than me w/the grandbaby) IM'd me and asked us to come out to her house next Sunday.... she's going to have her grand daughter there for the day. I haven't been to her house in close to 9 years now .... I'm kinda excited about going to visit her.

My Mom did a painting project, she painted some wrought iron flower fence for a lady with mega cash .... The lady loved the way this fence turned out and wants my Mom to paint some more things for her. I'm excited for my Mom and hope this business adventure pans out for her!

My Nephew wants to go live with his deadbeat dad ... my sister is letting him ... after she fought so hard to get custody of he and his sister. I don't understand why she's letting him go live with a guy who's just recently lost his foot to drunk driving ... HE was the drunk driver!!! AGAIN!!! I just don't get it ....

Thats all for now .....


At 8:53 PM, Blogger Jeannie said...

I had fun coming up w/the scavenger hunt :) Yuck about the sheep's eye!!!! Yay for Luke & your mom :) HUGS!!! oh and thankyou for chatting w/me last night :)


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