Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Countdown continues ...

2 more days .... about 50 hours till we hit the road .... yes, its almost down to the hour .....

Boys need haircuts .... suitcase is broken ... going to get those taken care of tonight!!

Work is seriously been stressing me out ... I love it, but boy am I ready for a break.....

Monday, July 18, 2005

WOW... didn't see that coming ...

Missouri has a new law now that in order to get your drivers license renewed you have to have your birth certificate, marriage licences, divorce records etc, anything showing your name has changed. My Mom went to look for her marriage licence from her first marriage and found that it was missing along with her divorce papers from her first marriage, all were kept in the safe together. Its hard to say where they ended up, but my mom was a little upset that she can't find them. She said that she didn't keep the marriage licence because of sentimental reasons, only because it was the most beautiful document she has ever seen. We got to talking about the document and my real dad, she told me things like when they told family that they were going to get married, my Grandpa Snow pointed his finger in her face and said "you are not welcome in my house ever again" WOW ... didn't see that coming. And my other grandparents never even called them. Anyway, she told me a little bit more about when they got married, my Real Dad was stationed at Ft. Polk, LA and she went down to visit him. They crossed over into TX and got married since you only had to be 18 in TX but 21 in LA. I guess they were married for 6 or 7 years, all I know is that he left when I was in Kindergarten. My mom told me that she was giving me the photo album that she had with his pictures in it, pictures from him growing up and pictures of me as a baby and some pictures of my sister (the ones that she didn't take out of there for herself). I've never asked for it, but always wanted it. He may not be the best person in the world, but he's my real dad. I almost started crying when Mom told me that she was going to give it to me .... boy, sure didn't see that coming either!

making a list ...

Making a list and checking it twice gonna find out who's left underpantless ....

Yes, we are still packing, Austin has all of his clothes packed, and yes, he/we remembered underwear. Luke has diapers and wipes packed, probably enough for a month or close to it. Still need to pack his clothes and my clothes ... Grandma is making lists also so she doesn't forget anything. We have camera(s) and film, snacks, toys and books.

As of Saturday evening, the laundry was all caught up! Plan on having everything clean and orderly before we leave for our trip ...HA yeah right! Well, at least we'll have the dishes done and trash all taken out.

Austin lost another tooth this weekend, Saturday. HE SWALLOWED IT AGAIN! Thats two ... told him that if he's not careful, he'll bite his ass when he takes a dump ...

Set Mr. Lucas in timeout yesterday at Grandma's house and got "the glare". He was SO not happy with Momma. He is saying Papa for Grandpa, he said it over and over again while we were visiting. Boy was Grandpa proud!

All I can think of for the moment ... Write more later!

Friday, July 15, 2005

So Much to do, So Little Time ....

We leave for Colorado in 7 days! Next Friday after work, we are packing up the car and heading out!! I'm SO excited! But boy oh boy do I have a lot of work to do before we get going .... Lists to make, Laundry to do, house to clean, trash to take out, packing to do. And can't forget our Winter Coats ..... we are going up Pikes Peak and will need them at the top! Hoping there is nothing that I forget!

Austin has been practicing his bowling, we've gone a couple of times and he's done well. He practiced the other night and from the time we walked into the bowling alley, Luke kept yelling BALL, BALL, BALL and didn't know which way to turn next ... he was in 7th heaven. Can you imagine if I let him try to bowl! I wonder at what age is acceptable to try to teach them bowling?

Post darnit Post .....

I keep flipping through blogs and expecting to see updates because my online friends are really good about updating their blogs ... as I'm going from one to the other, I find myself thinking, what the heck is going on, I should be seeing updates, then it dawned on me that maybe if I put an entry in mine ... they will too......

Think it'll work .....

Luv ya guys!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

VaCaTiOn CoUnT dOwN

Only 10 days till we leave for vacation!! Colorado here we come! Austin is SO excited about bowling in Nationals in Colorado Springs! I hope he does well. My Mom is going on the trip with us... we are going to tour a bit of Colorado ending up in Colorado Springs. We leave the evening of 7/22 and will come home either Monday 8/1 or Tuesday 8/2 (I don't go back to work till 8/4)

What else is there .... oh yeah, they are shooting a film in my home town called "Saving Shiloh" They are looking for extra's. My friend Anna and her family have all been called. Anna will be a lunch lady .... ROFLMAO ... Her husband and both of her daughters have also been called. I kept putting off sending in pictures, but sent them in today ... it could be fun to see your face in a movie ... If they call on us, I'll let you know ... I won't hold my breath since it took me forever to send them the pictures. (but how could they turn down these two cuties!!)

Dr. Appt .... The appt went well, Doc said that it was stress and that everyone handles stress differently, some get ulcers, others heart attacks and me, well, I get muscle spasms, he says that its from taking very deep breaths and using muscles in my upper chest that I don't use a whole lot ... so, part of me feels like that was $65 wasted but the other part feels relieved that it wasn't anything worse.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Party 7/9

My niece/daugher/sons cousin/friends daughter Cari (she calls me MOMica) graduated from Beauty School and we had a party for her on Saturday, there was a DJ, BBQ, Cake, horseshoes, softball, the whole nine yards .... what do I forget to get her ..... A CARD!!! I remembered her 4 dozen deviled eggs but forgot to get her a card .... We all had a good time. Zack fell down the steps and got a little black eye... Luke wanted to follow try it out for himself... Jen burnt her ass doing the YMCA, she went up to do the M, she bumped her cigarette on her finger and the cherry fell down the back of her pants... it was quite a site seeing her jumping up and down, her step-mom Anna poured water on her to put her out ... she went to the restroom and had 4 burn holes in her underwear. OUCH!

Luke sure enjoyed himself, he danced the night away, waving his arms, bobbing his head, whatever he could do he did. He'd run over to momma and babble something, I'd tell him that it was alright, he could go dance, he'd run back out and dance, he'd do that over and over and over again ... it was so darn cute!!

We all had a good time... we stayed much later than we planned. Both boys were filthy and tired when we got home.

Friday, July 08, 2005

What a day ...

The last few weeks I've noticed that I have a pain in my chest, the location of the pain varies from day to day. One day it hurts all across the top from my collar bone to both shoulders and down to just below my breasts, the next day its in my right shoulder and arm. It was bothering me so much this evening that I called my son's aunt, my friend Anna and asked for advise (mistake #1) Anyway, she told me that I needed to go to the ER and get checked out, well, I asked her to pick up my boys from her step-daughter's house and she told me that she would. So I went onto the ER. When I got there, my blood pressure was 170/100 pulse 79. They just said it was high. They hooked me up to monitors and stuff ... blood pressure the next reading was lower, they didn't take any blood for any tests, but they did do a couple of X-Rays. Before I left, my blood pressure was something like 135/40 ... My Mom said that was lower than her blood pressure and hers is always low .... The conclusion of today's visit was Chest Strain and they gave me muscle relaxers and some anti-inflammation medication. Also a $50 co-pay for nothing and have to follow up with my doctor next week. Joy Joy Fun Fun!

I get ready to leave the ER, only to find out that Anna didn't pick up my boys ... after she told me that she would .... Which I don't mind my boys staying with Jen while I was at the ER, but didn't think it was fair for her to have to keep them from 7AM till after 9PM .... Austin thought I was out with the guys from work ... I'm glad they didn't tell him where I was, but hope that he doesn't think something is wrong the next time I go out with the guys....

All is well, I'm home, boys are great .... now to start the weekend .....

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July...

I sincerely hope that everyone had a good 4th of July. I deleted my last post, cause after I re-read it I realized I was whining and feeling sorry for myself. I have absolutely no right to feel sorry for myself, I made my life the way it is and I'm the only one who can change it. I know WHAT needs changed in my life, but figuring out HOW to change things is my dilemma.

All in all we had a good weekend. We went saw 3 fireworks displays in total. The first was at the City Park, the second was at Austin's Father's work, the country club had a really nice display, and the third was at Austin's Grandma's house. Austin got to shoot off fireworks which just made his day! He didn't shoot off the big ones, just bottle rockets and such. Luke really enjoyed the fireworks, I thought he wouldn't like the loud booming ones, he enjoyed those, jumped a bit but laughed and clapped. He didn't care for the ones that sounded like bacon frying. The sizzle he didn't care for and fussed at every one. We got some rain yesterday, but only for a short time, less than a 5 minute break in our fireworks display.

Some pictures from Sunday .... Luke riding the Golf Cart and 2 of him watching the fireworks.

Luke sure didn't want to get up this morning, he'd just smile and hold onto his blanket, wouldn't roll over for me for anything.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Creative Punishments ...

I'm learning that in order to get my point across, you have to be "creative" in punishments. Some listed were not my idea, but are effective ... some were used on me ....

  1. If you take away their Birthday -- it has a BIG impact! Austin wouldn't listen, wasn't turning in papers to his teacher that I specifically told him to, it did no good yelling at him and taking away TV didn't work either. His Birthday Party was planned with his older brother's party, the party was Laser Tag... Austin got to go, but could NOT invite anyone. His brother had friends and presents, Austin only had us! Worked like a charm!
  2. Take away their room -- now, I have yet to try this one, but have threatened. If momma has the power to take birthday's, he knows she has the power to take his room ... and he has a friend who lost his room. His parents took EVERYTHING from his room and he had to earn it back, including Bed and wall hangings.
  3. Grounded 1 day for every lie told .... yeah, even the good ones get caught doing that .... Austin got busted when he was in Kindergarten ... he found a necklace and instead of just telling me, his dad and neighbor/teacher that he found it, he had 5 different stories ... most his dad bought ..... Mom called him on it ... he got to sit at the kitchen table and could only have books or paper and pencil to write... a friend asked me to watch her 2 little girls ... of course I said yes, cause they got to play in his room w/o him... man that sure fried his ass ...
  4. Repeat the behavior to get it out of their system ... example -- Slamming Doors --- Sure fire way to get them to quit is to make them stand there and slam the door for 15 minutes full force! This works for screaming, plopping down on the couch, stomping.... yeah, nothing like watching them try to scream, plop stomp or slam for 15 minutes ...
  5. Kneel in the driveway -- I have never tried this, but Austin's father said that it works as he had to do it many times. They have to kneel on the driveway with arms out to the side, very effective on a gravel driveway.
  6. Take them BACK to church -- Austin learned that telling mom he was sick in church and just fine when we got back home wasn't going to fly. I sent him back to bed, got him up when breakfast was ready, made him change back into church clothes and told him if he even squirmed the wrong way during mass that we would be going to EVERY church I could find and we would go ALL day ... he said to me, but Mom, 11 is the last mass of the day ... I told him that he didn't understand, we woudl go to EVERY CHURCH I could find, including Baptist, Methodist, Penticostal, you name it we were going to go... AND he had to appologize to the priest for us leaving in the middle of the homily.
  7. Saying Nice Things -- When my sisters and I would fight, my Mom would make us take chairs and face each other, holding hands, we had to sit there and say nice things to the other and we couldn't repeat one that was already said ... Mom then decided when we could get up.
  8. Taking Car Keys -- I got grounded once and Mom took my car keys. I was told that she didn't care how I got to work the next day, but it wasn't by car. I had to be at work at 6am the next morning, so I got up, showered and was ready to walk out the door at 4:30am so that I could walk to work (10 miles) ... she handed me my keys but I knew I'd be walking the next time if the behavior returned.
  9. Make them stay up and clean -- My niece and nephew wouldn't listen when it was time to go to bed, so my mom made them stay up, way past their bedtimes and clean ... they cleaned the baseboards in the kitchen, under side of cabinets, refridgerator etc etc. And, she got them up for school when she left for work (5am) You bet they went to bed like they were suposed to the next night.

How Many Dogs does it take to change a lightbulb??

Thought this was cute ...

1. Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb?

2. Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.

3. Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp!

4. Rottweiler: Make me.

5. Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.

6. Lab: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeeeeze, please, please, please!

7. German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.

8. Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.

9. Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a light bulb!

10. Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.

11. Chihuahua: Yo quiero Taco Bulb. Or "We don't need no stinking light bulb."

12. Greyhound: It isn't moving. Who cares?

13. Australian Shepherd: First, I'll put all the light bulbs in a little circle...

14. Poodle: I'll just blow in the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.