Friday, September 30, 2005

I'm SO upset!!

I am one of 3 girls ... I'm the oldest. We all have children in some way, shape or form, in other words we either gave birth to them or married into them, either way, we all have kids.

My youngest sister Lisa, has such a big heart, she'd do anything for anyone and make sure that no matter what she did you weren't upset with her. She raises her kids using the same method ... if they aren't mad at her, its all good. That being said... My niece has figured this out and is a complete, shall we say BITCH to anyone and everyone and completely walks all over my sister.

Just recently(within the last 2 months or so), My neice Abby (12 years old) has told my sister that JT (my sisters bf) has done some abusive things to her. My sister calls the police, JT is arrested and told he can not come around any of them. They go through tests and find that there are scrapings/marks inside of my neice which indicate that something had happened. My sister feels like her world is turned upside down, just at the thought that the man that she trusted w/her kids and loved so much could be accused of something like that just really hurt so very much. This accusation complety tore up their family. My nephew Alan(10) was upset, yelling at everyone that JT didn't do anything. My youngest neice Maddy (2) cried all the time cause she wanted her daddy. We were all upset but knew we needed to be there for them, no child or family should go through that kind of abuse and not have anyone to talk to about it.

Shortly after JT was accused, we were told that Abby would need counseling. Everyone was trying to figure out HOW this could happen and what actually happened. Abby insisted that she didn't want to talk about it. AND she insisted that she didn't want it to go to court, she was just happy that JT wasnt' at the house any longer.

As I indicated earlier, Lisa has her own way of raising her kids and JT is the "strong arm of the law" at the house. He's always the bad guy when it comes to getting onto the kids, though, he's much easier on the kids that I would be. Lisa was cleaning taking stuff upstairs and found Abby's diary left open and read that everything Abby had accused JT of was a lie and Abby went into great detail where she got all of her information to tell the police and Lisa to make it believeable. (internet, Lifetime channel etc) As for the scrapings, she inserted a tampon, but didn't remove the applicator, thus causing the scrapings. UNBELIEVEABLE!!!! That girl needs to read about the boy who cried wolf!! They turned the diary over to the authorities and charges are not being pursued at this time. (Abby ran away from school that day, cause she knew that Lisa would find the diary and that she'd be in deep doo doo when she got home, needless to say, she got suspended from school for a day for leaving school property without permission)

Lisa and JT are taking things slow, they're going through counseling as they were having some problems anyway. Abby is also going through counseling. (Don't think thats going to help) Abby is so into boys, its pathetic, she told Lisa that with JT gone, she can do what she wants when she wants and doesn't have to worry about getting into trouble, cause Lisa won't do it.

Fast forward to yesterday .... Abby and Alan are suposed to stay at home between the time Lisa leaves for work and someone gets there to stay with them, which in last nights case was JT. As soon as Lisa left the driveway at the back of the house, Abby hightailed it out the front door. Alan, trying to get his sister to come back home so that she (or he) didn't get into trouble followed her. They live on a one way street, but the next block over is Grand, a very busy main street. Alan got hit by a car. All he could tell the ambulance people was the street he lived on. They took him directly to the hospital to get checked out and then went door to door to try to find out which house was his. He couldn't remember phone numbers or house number nothing. JT was at the house when the police arrived at their door, Abby came in shortly thereafter (she had no fuckin clue). JT got things together, called my sister at work and went over to the hospital w/Alan. Abby didn't care one way or another that her brother was hurt. He's home, JT is staying with him today. He got clipped on the left side and drug a little bit down the road, He's very bruised and has a bad case of "Road Rash" I'm SOOOOO Mad at my niece... I'm ready to beat the crap out of her. She cares about nothing but herself!! I called and ordered Alan a basket of goodies, he's getting $25 worth of candy and crap all for him. My luck, he'll be the generous, thoughtful guy I know and love and share with his BITCH sister.......

Monday, September 19, 2005

The Underwear Oracle

What Your Underwear Says About You
You like to think of yourself as innocent, even though you're not!
You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone.

How Weird Are You?

You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...But too damn weird to do anything about it!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Happy Thursday!!

Happy Thursday!! Courtesy of e-mail ...

How to tell you are driving WAY to fast!

again, courtesy of a friend ...

Rainy Days .....

Boy how I love the rain!! Especially early in the morning when it gently wakes you up as the drops hit the roof top, when all you feel like doing is rolling over and having sex all day long with your sweetie. Gosh how I miss those days .... the days when you had the whole day off with no distractions ... the days of long, slow kisses that feel as if they last for hours ... the days when you just lay there and listen to the rain ... I just love the rain!!! (and really gotta get me some .......)

Friday, September 09, 2005

It happens to all of us...

So I was driving into work the other morning, and this dick in a truck pulls out in front of me........

received this in e-mail from a friend .....

10 games I remember playing as a kid

Name 10 things you remember playing as a kid ....

  1. Mother May I
  2. Red Rover, Red Rover
  3. Kickball
  4. Freeze Tag
  5. TV Tag
  6. Cowboys and Indians
  7. Cops & Robbers
  8. Simon Says
  9. Dress up
  10. House

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labor Day Weekend (continued)

Austin got taped to a tree after telling his 26 year old cousin, "you can't tape/tie me to a tree" .... Luke blacked his own eye by running into a picnic table .... though we couldn't see it till we got him cleaned up ... he was dirty dirty dirty!

For the most part, we all had a really good time! Despite the ups and downs, it was all good!

Labor Day Weekend Camping....

Friday ... Left work a little bit early to get home, packed up and to the camp grounds. Got home and started loading the car (mind you, Austin and I had already started packing the car the night before) My goodness there is a lot of stuff to take camping with you. Food, clothes, pillows, blankets, tent, cooler, etc etc. I got the car almost packed and got a call from camp .... "bring 10 lbs of bacon, soda, ice and bbq sauce, oh and by the way, the new tent you got because the one had a hole in it ... well the seam for the floor at the back of the tent is sewn to the wall of the tent and won't stake down properly " So of course, when I finish packing I head off to the store and get the groceries that we need ($77 later). Try to fit all of that crap in the car on top of what I've already got in there, wondering the entire time WHERE I'm going to put my kids on the drive home. I get to camp about 7ish. Luke spots momma and comes running over. Sure makes me feel good! The tent doesn't look so bad, however, will be returned AGAIN. GRRR Thats a lot of money for a tent and to have 2 be defective ... well, they do say third times a charm. Got the car unloaded and sat around the campfire for a little while. I had packed Canasta ... and we played a 3-5 hour game of Canasta before retiring for the night .... (note, it was 2-3 in the morning when we went to bed)

Saturday... Luke fussed off and on thru the night, he was UP at 7AM. I had a headache out of this world. My eye felt as if it were softball size. Tried to keep him quiet till everyone else got up. He wanted everything to play with from logs to dirt to baseballs and horseshoes. I helped with making breakfast and was successful in not cutting myself on the potato slicer. After breakfast was cleaned up, we played some horseshoes. Now, at 36 years old, you'd think I'd had played since my family (grandparents, aunts and uncles) used to at family functions, but no, I'd never played. It was a lot of fun! I think I only scored about 4 points, but it was fun. Austin and Sydney played, paired up with Doug (Syd's Dad) and Sid (Syd's Papa and Austin's Uncle) Austin had 4 ringers, the last of which won the game for he and Uncle Sid. Doug later was taking Austin and Sydney fishing, so Luke and I tagged along. Luke and I sat in the water throwing rocks, we weren't even knee deep, Luke stayed right by momma. Austin caught a small fish, what kind it was, I have no clue, but he got the first and the biggest of all that were caught that weekend. They were just doing catch and release. We played in the river for a long time. Luke had prune hands in no time. When we got back to camp, fixed dinner and played Pictionary. We had a good time, but boy oh boy, I can not draw. They really made fun of the goat I drew. :( Though, it was pretty bad ... they said my poodle looked almost like my goat minus the horns .... Artist, I'm not.

Sunday... Zack turned 2!! We got up, decorated with Balloons and streamers ... Zack's grandma came out with Aunt Chris and Uncle Sid. I learned to play Spades. That was fun .... The kids ran around and played volleyball, played with the toys we brought ... they just had fun! The bigger kids, Austin and Sydney went swimming at the pool with Doug. Austin has really improved with his swimming since last year Memorial Day. He couldnt swim at all and always wanted Mom. He's a little fish now. Sid deep fried a turkey, I'd never had turkey that way, boy was it good!! Saber (Austin's cousin) came up, made some comment about not having any friends, I said "hey, whats that say about me" He replied with the best comment he could have ever made "You are family, you don't count" ((note, that made me feel really good because I'm NOT family, Austin is, but the fact that he considers me his Aunt makes me feel so good!)) After dinner we had Zack's party ... he got lots of trains and cars and Thomas movies. It was fun but boy were those kids tired.

Monday ... Packing day ... Typically on Monday, we "eat out" for breakfast, have bisquits and gravy from the campground restaurant. This year, we cooked our own which made us run later in getting packed up ... By the time we got camp broke down and packed up it was going on 4pm. We all took the kids back to the river to swim, when we got done, we changed and headed out for dinner. We had dinner at Skippy's. It was really pretty good. It was about 9:30 when we got home from camping .... Long weekend, but was a lot of fun!

Hope you all had as much fun!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Happy Labor Day!

Hope you all (yeah, I say that like I have many many readers, only have 2 besides myself) have a wonderful Labor Day! An extra day off of work, unless of course you work retail then your are hosting the BIG LABOR DAY SALES ...... yeah, have fun with that .....

Our plans are to go camping ... the kids have already left for the camp grounds and I'll be joining them as soon as I get off of work, just have to go home, load the coolers and the car and I'm off .... WOO HOO 3 days and 3 nights of sleeping in a tent, cooking on the campstove, relaxing in the river, playing volleyball with the kids, breathing that fresh cool air and sitting around the campfire.... and praying I don't get burnt to a crisp. Good thing the campground we are going to isn't far from home, with gas this morning at $3.19/gallon, up 20 cents from yesterday's $2.99/gallon.

My friends son is going to cut my grass while we are gone, I talked to his mom earlier today and she said that it would be fine. I'm so glad he's willing to do it, my yard is starting to look like a jungle .... hard to say what you'd find out there.

Hope you have a Safe, Fun and Enjoyable Holiday Weekend!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Angel Tagged me ....

5 things I miss about my childhood .....

1. Playing in the park till dark with not a care in the world
2. Spending the night at Granny and Grandpa's house
3. Playing in the sprinkler when mom let us
4. School -- Being able to see my friends EVERYDAY!
5. No responsibility

Oh Yeah ....... NO TAG BACKS .....

I tag Katie and Deana