Been thinking some more ...
Why do I find Dennis the safer option?? Is it because there is no commitment? I never thought of myself as being one afraid of commitment. Maybe I am.
The only relationships I've been in are ones that won't work.... won't work why you ask... because they are already commited elsewhere....
See ... yet another reason I don't deserve happily ever after....
so how does one work past this fear?
Not that I want happily ever after with David, I want to take things slow and get to know him again. I don't want to jump both feet into another dream and then be disappointed yet again when it doesn't pan out.
I didn't read this post before commenting on the previous one.
The emotionally unavailable man is "safe" because, I think you're right, there's no committment. If/When the relationship fails, you already have a reason why - because he's taken.
Realize that you have self worth and you deserve and should demand better.
I agree with Katie 100%
Dennis is your "old recliner." You're used to it, you know what to expect when you sit down, even if it isnt comfortable anymore, it's familiar. You'd like something new that is more "you", but it's easier to make excuses (like "I don't deserve a better chair when this one is still "ok") When in reality, you do everything in your household alone. You take care of your boys above yourself everyday and you deserve a throne! It is OK to throw out the other chair (or hurt his feelings) because now someone else can use it and you can finally have room for a chair that is meant for you. :)
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