Thursday, May 26, 2011

Over - Reacting??

Last night I went to see him by myself... first time being alone since we started speaking. Should have been a good time... right?? not so much.

He wanted dinner, but didn't have anything there, I offered to pick something else, he wanted something that wasn't on the way there. SO... to be able to spend some time together, I went to get him so we could run out to get KFC.

I get there, he says, Ok, let me shut off the computer and shut the windows incase of rain, I said ok, no problem. He comes back out with 3 beers in hand. I asked why, he said for the road. I said no, thats not a good idea. My reasons as follows: 1. he's on probabtion, not supposed to have alcohol. 2. Drinking in my car would be considered me having open container... I don't want to get in trouble for that. He insists that he take the beer after stomping inside and pouting like a baby. I go in and tell him lets just go. He takes 2 with him. (I thought maybe I could keep him from drinking them if I talked to him and kept talking while we drove) NOPE

I hid one... he got pissed and reached for the shifter, said he'd push it into reverse while we were driving 55mph down the road... NICE. Needless to say, I stopped the car and handed him his beer and told him to knock it off, he threatened to walk back home. (should have said start walking, but I didn't)

We finally get to highway to get to where we are going (I didn't tell Austin where I was going just that I was going for a drive, didn't want any crap) Anyway, I ask David to stay quiet. does he? No, while Austin is asking me if he and luke can go bowling and that I have his bowling balls, David pipes up with he has balls..... nice. classy....

Get to Sullivan, he has finished beer #1. I order dinner (of course he wont' tell what he wants, just keeps being stupid about if there will be biscuits with the dinner). I pay, we get the food and we head back... he wants to take the long way back, ok fine, we go that way.... whatever... He says "roll down the window so I can throw out this beer can" I told him no, thats littering, again, baby fit, says people collect cans off the side of the road and helps them make a living, so therefore its not littering.... REALLY... WOULD THE COPS FIND THIS LOGICAL??? proceeds to throw the can out the window... (finishes 2nd beer and proceeds to do the same)

The ENTIRE TIME we're together, every couple of seconds I'm asked if we are having sex tonight... or told, we're having sex tonight.... to which I said, ummm... not happening.... not till its right and me being upset about the way this 51 year old is acting, isn't the right time for sex.

We get back to the house, he's still talking sex....fixes his plate, eats and goes to lay down on the couch, asking me to lay on him... no.... goes to sleep.... I woke him to tell him I was leaving, he says ok, if you see the dog, let him in. didn't get up to walk me out, nothing.

I feel like I'm over reacting, but I'm irritated... I haven't said anything to him... I don't want to fight. I just think its a little on the childish side.

Good we have not moved past friends.


At 5:01 PM, Blogger Angel said...

You are not over reacting. He's a loser! You actually put up with WAY more than I would have. You deserve much better than that. Seriously, he doesnt even sound like a good friend at this point.

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not overreacting. He is an alcoholic. He's putting you in danger and to say he's disrespectful is an understatement.

I'm sorry- I'm with Austin on this one.


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