Monday, January 24, 2011


So on Jan 18 my tonsils finally came out.... today is day 6... you'd think the pain would be considerably better than the first few days... lets say its a different kind of pain today. I'm taking less of the pain pills, but still dizzy as can be.... (no comments from the peanut gallery) the pain is still there, but I feel it more in my ears than anything.

I'm trying to keep eating ... I'm trying to keep hydrated. I tried to go back to work today and got really dizzy so thought I'd lay down for 30 minutes or so, ended up sleeping 3 hours... guess my body wasn't ready.

Austin and his girlfriend Sammy have been great with helping me out. Luke's even tried to help. He'll come in and wake me up just to say "I love you Mom" which is sweet, but when you aren't sleeping regular anyway... but he loves me, so that makes me happy. :)

Austin and Sammy have kept the kitchen clean, fixed meals for everyone... we've had several snow days since my surgery and they've managed to clean Luke's room, keep him content and not complain to loud when I ask for MORE jello.

Going to attempt the work thing again in the morning.

Called the dr's office today to see if I needed a follow up appointment. Of course, I do. Its scheduled for Feb 1 at 8AM. I did ask if my tongue being numb and swollen feeling 6 days after surgery was normal, they told me it was. I sound like I'm deaf when I speak.... really weird sounding.

On the up side ... if I don't feel like talking on the phone people seem to understand. :) :)

Guess thats all for now

Monday, January 17, 2011

Random nothings...

1. Luke & Austin and Austin in uniform...

2. At Christmas time, Luke was playing with the Nativity set, helping set it up, he says "mom, baby Jesus goes here with Mary & Joseph, the Angel of God goes here, and the sheep here, but ... I don't know where to put the Three Blind men"

3. My Mom cuts the boys hair. Luke wanted an arrow, Mom gave him one. He goes into the bathroom and yells for Austin. He tells Austin "this is SOOO COOL!" Austin says "yes, its pretty cool" Luke says "No Austin, Look what it can do" tilts his head so it points down, "If I point my head to down the arrow points to my weiner!!"

4. My tonsils are supposed to come out tomorrow. Toooooo many bouts of strep throat. Truth be told, I'm scared to death.

5. My Uncle Art died last week Wednesday. Everything happened so fast, the viewing was Thursday and the Funeral Friday.

6. Austin decided to burn the brush pile behind the house w/my Dad on Sunday. That works, it needed to be gone. Today, he did a little more cleaning up back there. To start the new fire, he got some brush and two bricks, banged the bricks together and got sparks, caught the brush on fire and had him a nice fire going for a couple of hours. Neighbors were out watching the whole thing and of course talking about him he'd never get it started.... After it starts, the old man says 'How the f%^k did he do that' Austin holds up the bricks and says "With Bricks" to which the nosey old neighbors (all 3 of them) said "oh crap, he heard us" Austin got a good chuckle while he was thinking 'how the hell did I do that' LOL

7. We got a dog over the summer.... Mugsy is his name. He's Boxer/Lab mix. He's the fartinest dog I've ever seen. Fits right in with my boys. **sigh**

8. No food or drink after midnight... got an hour and 10 minutes to go....

9. I love working part time at the bowling alley. The people there are great!!

10. really nervous about tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yeah .... a day or two ....

Boys have grown so much since the last time I posted on here.... but life's still pretty much the same as its always been.

I'm working 2 jobs... part time at Oasis Lanes. Its fun... lots of good people.

Luke's in 1st grade and to say he's rotten is an understatement. He really knows how to push buttons and keep you on your toes. Austin is in 10th grade now and has a girlfriend. Sometimes I wish I had my little boy back with this one, other times, I'm glad he's almost grown up.