Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Randon Nothings

* I feel like a complete failure ... unable to have a healthy relationship with a man.
* I know we did the right thing but can't help thinking that we won't stay in touch.
* Lucas loves his preschool, he had Grandparents day today and didn't get to have his grandparents there, but Aunt Anna and Uncle Sid were there, he did projects with them and had snack with them, so I'm sure he was pretty happy.
* Austin finally got his shirts for his Holland trip .... 2 months later
* Tomorrow I'm going back to Weight Watchers ... gotta get back ontrack.
* Water ... Water ... Water
* Made an awesome batch of Chicken-N-Dumplins last night ... the kids scarfed and wanted more.
* Made Spaghetti the night before that turned out really good too.
* Wish someone could tell me how to be a better person/girlfriend so that I'd get it right the next time around.
* Still have his birthday presents at the house ... Hope to get them to him.
* Have to go Thursday to set up the Youth Bulletin Board at the bowling alley.
* Haven't joined a bowling league yet this year, season has started.
* Bathroom still isn't done
* Yard needs cut -- maybe tomorrow