What a day .....
A certain board member returns, yeah she whines, stirs the pot and moves on. She's got issues, but comeon, who doesn't. There was a lot of drama over her post about whats been going on the last few months in her life. Almost makes me sorry I said hello to her. Almost.
I'm not perfect ... yes, my children are a product of an affair with a married man and boy oh boy did I have that thrown in my face by a friend. I'm still hurt that they felt it necessary to go there .... all is forgiven, however it still hurt. I don't discuss my personal life on the board and I've always been honest when I'm asked about it. I refuse to judge someone else on their extra activities whatever they may be when I'm in no position to talk. This is EXACTLY WHY I don't bring my personal life onto the board. I don't talk about money or credit cards either, those subjects just really gets people in a pissy mood.
Now I realize there are others from our board that read my blog ... if you didn't know this about me and are hurt and disgusted with me, I'm sorry. You don't have to talk to me or read my blog. I'm still me, I still try look for the silver lining in things and I still have good intentions ... and my life will go on ....
I'm just hurt, plain and simple hurt ... other than that, I'm busy at work, I really think they are setting me up for a fall by throwing new accounts at me to handle. I don't get away from here at lunch as a result of the additional accounts.
My boys are doing well. Austin has been spending a lot of time with his Dad and Step-Mom this month. He's been enjoying himself there, but I can tell he's happy to get home with his Mom. I haven't had a weekend with him since sometime in June and probably won't for a couple more weeks **sigh** He's going in a couple of weeks on vacation with them too. Luke is really excelling in preschool ... He's saying his ABC's and recognizing some of them. and Numbers ... he's counting to 13 on his own and counted to 50 with help ... YAY LUKE! Preschool has been working on a new classroom, they should have that open soon and he'll have daily classwork going on....
Thats all for now.