Mother's Day Mess .........
Took my boys out to lunch on Mother's Day ... we just went to Steak & Shake so nothing spectacular (thank goodness) My little guy was crying and crabby I just figured it was cause he was hungry. Just got lunch ordered and he starts coughing and upchucks all over the table and floor, oh yeah, let me tell you, it was fun! We're in a booth so I had to climb OVER the puke to get out of my seat ... he's still upchucking on the way to the bathroom....I just push his highchair into the bathroom cause its a MESS ... I left my oldest at the table w/my purse and the mess since the bathroom was right around the corner. I get my little guy all cleaned up nasty clothes off he's stripped down to his diaper and trying to clean up the highchair. I call my oldest in to hold the little one at the sink while I finish cleaning up the highchair, I go back to the dining room and what do you know ... the flippin mess is still there.... NO ONE offered to help me or anything. I got it all cleaned up using towles from the bathroom and I find the manager to let her know that I'll need a mop. She says "Yeah, we're aware" I tell her, oh yeah, we need our order to go. I was SO upset .... Mother's Day ... Single Mom w/Sick kid and NO ONE helps..... yeah, they ran the mop over what I already cleaned up .... but WTF... Most people bail and don't bother to clean anything ......
We leave the restaurant and go to my mom's ... baby is still fussy, get him calm and put him down for a nap .... check on him a little while later OH BABY ..... the kid shit all over the place .... not just on the sheet in the playpen, all over the damn thing .... My dad helped me get stuff cleaned up ...
On the positive side, Grandma loved her mother's day present and we all had a wonderful time visiting with each other.
Hopefully next Mother's Day is better.