Friday Update
Well, at least he's not a total d!ck to Austin .... Austin decided he wanted to go with his Dad last night and without even getting a call from anyone to tell him to go get Austin, he swung by the house and asked Austin if he wanted to go with him. Austin was thrilled, he thought that his step-mom had gotten in touch with his Dad to get him. I'm glad he's not pushing Austin aside and hope that maybe one day we'll be able to stand talking to each other again.
I want to move on, I need to move on.
I wanted to take off this weekend and just go .... go and see an old friend who lives just a couple of hours away from me .... that isn't going to pan out ... we've got to much going on to do that. Pampered Chef party on Sunday that I'm so not prepared for. Cleaning to do on Saturday for the party on Sunday. Shopping to do for the party on Sunday. Austin apparently has a birthday party to go to on Sunday also. I told him to make sure his step-mom brings him home afterwards cause I'm not hanging out for it. (yes, used to be, anywhere they would be, I'd be just to try to catch a wink or acknowledgement that I was there)
My friend Anna went back to her ex-husband again. They have been on again off again forever. She hooked back up with an old high school love and then got burnt pretty badly. After only a couple months together, he told her he was done with her. Sad, but true. Got what he needed, got on his feet and kicked her to the curb. She'll be ok and back to her bossy self in no time ... I'm not liking that idea much since she lives so much closer to me now ... I want my life .... I want my decisions to be mine ... I don't want to be told again how to make my decisions and what I will and will not do. Friends give advice, friends take advice given, friends do not belittle you over a poor decision.
Life is all about making mistakes and learning from them. I may not have gotten everything I wanted out of my relationship with Dennis. I didn't get the attention I wanted, needed and desired. I didn't get the committment that I wanted to not only give but recieve ... There were many things that I didn't get ... but there are two very important things in my life that I did get from that relationship. I got my boys. They are the best thing in the world to me. I wouldn't trade them for anything!
Love and be loved .... its the little things that make it all worth while ...
Hang in there Monica. ((hugs))
big hugs!!!!!!
You're doing good. It will get easier, I promise. You have friends here for you and great boys.
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