Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My promise .....

I promise I will be true to ME and to my kids ... I promise to not let my heart do all of the thinking and I promise to think first before jumping in.

I will not have another Dennis situation. I refuse to do that again and he knows me well enough to know that when I say I'm not going to do something, I'm not going to do it.

He saw me without makeup, without fixing my hair and he didn't turn around and run. That makes me feel good .... really good.

After 20 years of not speaking to someone over stupid shit, it feels .... well, it feels like I can relax a little. Like a weights been lifted and I can breathe again. I don't know if its right for me to say he gave me that or I gave me that, but either way, right now, I'm living in the moment and enjoying every second of it. And doing so at a safe distance.

Yes, this relationship may never be... it may never go any further than where we are today, friends, but, you know what ... I'm fine with that. I set out to accomplish one thing .... to appologize to him for being such an idiot, for being such an ass. We've stepped in the right direction of healing many old wounds.

He's my friend. I'm glad I found him again. I really am.

I didn't post all of this for you guys to worry about me. I do appreciate the fact that you do, I love you all, very much!! Thank you guys, for caring enough about me to worry! (((BIG HUGS)))


At 2:32 PM, Blogger Angel said...

You know what you are doing, but I cared too much to not take a chance and say what I did.<3

I'm happy that you are happy with YOU, because that is something that will never let ya down!

At 2:46 PM, Blogger hyka's mess said...

And thats why I love having you as my friend ... you care enough to tell me what you think and warn me when I'm on the verge of messing up.

I'm so lucky to have you (and the other PW mom's) as my friend(s)

Thank you so much!!

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Carie said...

always here for ya, I have no great advice or any words of wisdom, just my never ending ability to be here for ya ;o) and I always wish you nothing but happiness

At 9:28 AM, Blogger It's My Life For Now said...

It's hard trying to protect those that you care about from making what WE deem as a possible mistake, especially when all the ins and outs of the situation are not known. I trust that you know what you're doing, but for some reason, I want to invisibly hold your hand and tell him to be careful with our Mycaca. :)
Here for you......



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